Okay thanks for that, to find out if Mirchoo is a good fit for
helping you grow your business... We've got a few questions.

(Select more than one if applicable)

We're asking you this first to see if we'd be a good fit. And Secondly to
identify what the best strategies for growth are within your budget.

If you don't have one, type "don't have one"

We're asking you, so we only prescribe strategies that are going to
have a meaningful impact on your company's revenue.

We're asking so we can build you a growth plan to help you achieve this.

(Don't skip the hairy details. We need to know about every score and every sore... so give as much detail as you can about WHAT it is you feel is holding you back)

We're almost done, just 2 more questions.

Okay! you made it β€” last question...

Okay thanks for that, to find out if Mirchoo is a good fit for
helping you grow your business... We've got a few questions.

(Select more than one if applicable)

We're asking you this first to see if we'd be a good fit. And Secondly to
identify what the best strategies for growth are within your budget.

If you don't have one, type "don't have one"

We're asking you, so we only prescribe strategies that are going to
have a meaningful impact on your company's revenue.

We're asking so we can build you a growth plan to help you achieve this.

(Don't skip the hairy details. We need to know about every score and every sore... so give as much detail as you can about WHAT it is you feel is holding you back)

We're almost done, just 2 more questions.

Okay! you made it β€” last question...